Estate Planning & Executor Services

Our unique service line is the Trust and Estate Planning services offered to our clients.

Jason has his Trust and Estate Practitioner designation (TEP) and Senior Manager, Ashley Parker has her Certificate in Estate and Trust Administration (CETA), and are both members of STEP Canada (Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners).

Taking a proactive approach to planning for your estate is key in ensuring that you pass the value that you have worked hard in obtaining to your beneficiaries.  The Estate planning process is a detailed process in which Jason works with our clients to discuss their goals and objectives in respect of their Estate.  Starting the discussion is the hardest part and we are able to provide an environment that allows for open and frank discussion.

ANR works with clients to build an Estate plan that will meet the client’s goals and wishes and provides instruction on how to properly structure the plan to minimize taxes and to allow for the smooth implementation and execution of the Estate Plan.  ANR works closely with the client’s legal counsel to implement these plans.

Along with the Estate planning services, ANR also offers Executor Assistance Services, which is a service in which we assist Executors of an estate to navigate the process of winding down the Estate, which can be a complicated and time consuming exercise at a very emotional time when a loved one has been lost.